Project Fatherhood (SM): Newsletter Article

Making a positive difference in the lives of children

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February 8, 2012

Project Fatherhood Gets Active in Our Schools

Studies show students perform better when both mothers and fathers are involved in their children’s education. Men and women think differently and bring different perspectives and skills to school activities. School communities thrive when both men and women participate. Yet, men remain a largely untapped resource.

Children benefit from their fathers’ involvement in their schools. Research by the National Center for Education Statistics indicates that a father’s involvement “exerts a distinct and independent influence” on a child’s success in school. Other findings from the U.S. Department of Education reveal that:

  • Half of all children with highly involved fathers reported getting mostly As through 12th grade, compared with 21% of fathers who are not involved in their children’s lives.
  • A study of 2,700 children showed that those from father-involved families were more likely to report positive attitudes toward school than those from non-or low-father- involved families.
  • A National Household Education Survey found that 69% of non-resident fathers had no involvement in their children’s school.
  • In a study of 200 adolescents living in the U.S., researchers found that boys with non-involved fathers spent an average of 3.5 fewer hours per week studying than boys with fathers who were involved in their children’s school.
  • A study of 1,330 children showed that fathers who are involved on a personal level with their child’s schooling increases the likelihood of their child’s achievement. When fathers assume a positive role in their child’s education, students feel a positive impact.
  • Students living in father-absent homes are twice as likely to repeat a grade in school.

That’s where Project Fatherhood from Children’s Institute, Inc., comes in. Project Fatherhood is one of the pioneer fatherhood programs in the nation, and it offers fathers the opportunity to learn ways to be involved in the life and education of their children. Project Fatherhood at Rosemont School is a free service offered to fathers and their children every Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the teachers’ lounge. We invite you to come by and bring your children! They’ll have an opportunity to do their homework, participate in arts and crafts projects or play sports.

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