Project Fatherhood (SM): News Article: Visit the Los Angeles Fatherhood Network Website!

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August 2, 2017

Visit the Los Angeles Fatherhood Network Website!

The LAFN was created to further advance the vision of Project Fatherhood SM founder, Dr. Hershel K. Swinger. The Network grew out of a need to engage Fatherhood experts, community leaders and organizations within the Fatherhood movement to create a network of support for fathers in Los Angeles, while promoting the importance of father involvement in the lives of children.

The Los Angeles Fatherhood Network (LAFN) is a network of practitioners, advocates, lawmakers, fathers, mothers and other community supporters who work together to improve the wellbeing of children through fatherhood.

The LAFN Website provides valuable resources for both fathers and professionals who work with fathers and families. Visitors will find access to a growing library of downloadable content on everything from building healthy relationships to working with fathers in varied settings. Visitors will also be able to connect to the many partner organizations across the city and country focusing on the important work of Fatherhood!

What You’ll Find at

  • Upcoming Events
  • Fatherhood Connections Blog
  • Professional Resources
  • Community Resources for Fathers
  • Information in English & Spanish
  • A community of men and supporters looking to build strong family relationships

Spreading the word about this important community resource!

And if you have upcoming events or additional resources to share with the Los Angeles Fatherhood Network please contact:

Project Fatherhood SM Director Alan-Michael Graves at [email protected].

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