Project Fatherhood (SM): News Article: Children’s Institute, Inc. and Homeboy Industries....Community Roundtable II

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July 14, 2014

Children’s Institute, Inc. and Homeboy Industries....Community Roundtable II


On Tuesday, September 23, 2014, in collaboration with Homeboy Industries, Children’s Institute, Inc. will convene a one-day community roundtable to discuss the Impact of Domestic Violence on Children.

This event will include the following Roundtable discussions:

‣ Discussion #1
What is Domestic Violence?

‣ Discussion #2
They Didn’t See Anything: The Truth about Children and Family Violence

‣ Discussion #3
Stress Management: Understanding Your Triggers

‣ Discussion #4
Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse

For registration and more information, email [email protected]

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