Project Fatherhood (SM): Event Details: Weekly MIRG Groups

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Weekly MIRG Groups

February 15, 2014

At the heart of the program is the Men in Relationships Group (MIRG SM), which provides comprehensive support at no cost for culturally diverse biological fathers.

Our MIRG’s meet weekly throughout the Greater Los Angeles. Currently we host groups in the following locations:

Mid-Wilshire CII Campus
Homeboy Industries
LA Gay & Lesbian Center


Watts CII Center
Union Elementary School
Metropolitan Detention Center
Chrysalis Employment Services

Long Beach CII Center
Homeboy Industries
Otis Booth CII Campus

Burton Green CII Center (Torrance)
Weingart Center
Jordan Down Housing Project

If you are interested in Project Fatherhood and would like to join one of our weekly MIRG sessions, please contact our Family Engagement Team at (213) 385-5100, ext. 1121 or ext. 8173 to schedule an appointment.

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