Project Fatherhood (SM): Event Details: Fatherhood Buzz Event Shines Spotlight on Important Topics for Dads

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Fatherhood Buzz Event Shines Spotlight on Important Topics for Dads

January 16, 2015

The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC) gave us another opportunity to discuss fatherhood, thanks to its “Fatherhood Buzz” campaign in January. NRFC is part of the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Office of Family Assistance, and hosts this national conversation in local barbershops, chosen for building strong ties to their communities. Each year, the organization selects a different fatherhood theme, highlighting the many ways in which this topic should be addressed and explored.

The “Buzz” welcomed CII’s Project Fatherhood to co-host the 2015 kickoff event in Los Angeles at M Barbering. Participants discussed “Men’s Health Matters,” focusing on the importance of taking time every day to be a healthy dad. This topic is significant on multiple levels: fathers who pledge to stay healthy ensure that they are there for their children, but the commitment to a healthy lifestyle also sets an example for one’s children to follow. Guests were given informational materials and were also encouraged to take advantage of the Affordable Care Act and the new accessibility to affordable health insurance it offers.

Other Partners for the event included the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), The 18th Annual Collegiate Bowl, and Dr. Chris Hickey from ACA. Special thanks to the 18th Annual Collegiate Bowl for donating tickets to the guests attending.

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